Deep Condition with Q-Redew Hair Steamer

Deep Condition with Q-Redew Hair Steamer

Deep Condition with Q-Redew

We love all of the great things the Q-Redew can do for your hair. One of our favorite things is how well it helps deep condition your hair. The Q-Redew’s steam provides moisture and hydration to the hair by temporarily lifting the cuticle of the hair to allow moisture to penetrate the hair shaft. This is particularly helpful with low porosity hair, which is often difficult to moisturize due to its closed cuticle.

We found this video by Adrianne MG to be a great tutorial on how to deep condition with the Q-Redew properly.

“I love this product and I use it all the time!”

  • Im starting off with freshly washed and conditioned hair, towel dry your hair.
  • As always I always work with my hair in sections, I am sectioning it into four section.
  • Add a deep conditioner to your hair and make sure to detangle your hair along the way.

Now its time for the Q-Redew!

  • I steam my entire head, usually about 20-30 min.
  • Then cover with a plastic cap.

We hope you find this video as helpful and wonderful as we did. We love hearing from our Q-mmunity so please feel free to let us know how the Q-Redew has helped your hair.

Thank-Q for visiting!

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