​Tips for Transitioning to Natural Hair

Deciding to go chemical free and embrace your natural curls is a big change and commitment, but the choice to love your hair the way it is naturally is well worth every step on your natural hair journey.

There are two main methods to going natural. You can either choose to do a big chop, cutting all the processed hair at once, or gradually transition. Here are some tips for transitioning to help you through the process.

Be patient

You don't have to know when you'll be 100% natural hair as soon as you start your transition. Give yourself some time - approximately 4 months. At that point, you should be seeing enough growth to be excited!

Find your signature transitioning style

It may seem like a difficult goal to blend two incredibly different textures of hair into one, but it can be done. Try a bantu knot out or twist out as your go-to style.

Detangle your hair when it’s wet or better yet with steam

Detangling natural hair can be a daunting task that takes hours, but it doesn’t have to be. Many naturals detangle while keeping hair wet and saturated with conditioner. Decrease the angst, mess and time of detangling with the use of the Q-Redew. Steam moisturizes, softens and loosens the hair in seconds melting the tangles away. A few passes of steam from roots to ends and you will easily be able to detangle with either your fingers or the prongs of the Q-Redew.

A clean and healthy scalp is crucial!

Finding what is right for your scalp’s needs will take some trial and error, but you will need to cleanse your scalp regularly - anywhere from every two days to every two weeks. Remember, a healthy scalp is critical to healthy hair growth.

Moisture is your best friend

Dry hair breaks. Nothing beats water when it comes to moisturizing hair, which is where your Q-Redew comes in handy. Steam will naturally infuse moisture and water based products into your hair. You can also add your favorite natural hair products on top to seal in the moisture you’ve added.

You will be deep conditioning frequently

Hair masks are no longer an occasional treat. Naturally curly hair usually doesn't lack protein, but does lack moisture, so stick with deep moisturizing treatments.

Use heat less often

The beauty of going natural is that you won’t need your blow dryer and flat iron any more. These tools can cause major damage to your new growth and breakage on your treated hair. Try air-drying all of your styles instead.

Protect your edges

Avoid transitioning styles that put too much tension on your temples and the nape of your neck. The hair there is usually finer, thinner and more delicate, so it needs a gentler touch.

Take it easy

The point where your natural texture meets your straight hair (it's called the line of demarcation) is the weakest part of you hair. Take your time when you detangle and style your hair to prevent breakage.

Gradually cut off your damaged ends

Depending on the length you had to start with, get a good trim each month. Remember to use hair shears and not regular scissors.

These tips are designed to nurture your naturally curly hair, because in the end, that is what you'll be keeping. Congratulations on going natural and good luck on your natural hair journey.

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