What Are the Benefits of Doing a Pre-Poo?

What Are the Benefits of Doing a Pre-Poo?

Pre-poo is a funny sounding but now quite popular term within the curly/natural hair world. If you’ve never heard of this or think its just yet another thing you don’t need in your regimen, here’s a quick list of reasons why you may want to start doing a pre-shampoo treatment.

Preps Hair for Shampooing w/ Moisture

Many don’t realize this but any time you manipulate your hair, especially if it’s textured hair, there’s always the potential for some type of damage. You might agree that wash day can put your hair through a lot. A pre-poo treatment done with an oil or some type of hair mask helps to condition your hair, creating a layer of protection while you manipulate it.

Due to the makeup of textured hair, it’s more prone to dryness and craves moisture. Pre-pooing infuses moisture into the strands prior to your wash routine, prepping your hair and scalp for any moisture loss during the shampoo process.

Makes Hair More Manageable

The moisture added from a pre-poo treatment will soften the hair and improves its manageability. This is important for length-retention because manageable hair is much less likely to break. Hair that doesn’t break stays put and you will actually see the hair you grow.

Makes Detangling Easier

A major gripe about wash day among the textured hair crew is the detangling part. When wearing your hair loose, especially the tighter the curl, you’re bound to have tangles. Massaging your hair during shampooing can make it worse. The advantage of doing a pre-poo treatment is that your product of choice will give you enough slip to help you easily remove knots and tangles from your hair before you massage your scalp during shampooing.

While trying to remove tangles during the shampoo process, you can end up losing more hair than necessary. A pre-poo can help prevent that and is especially great to do after you’ve had your hair in a protective style for a while.

Many have added the Q-Redew to their regimen as a go-to key pre-pooing tool. Our Q-Redew Handheld Hair Steamer tackles all of these advantages - moisture, manageability and detangling - with just a few passes of warm steam to the hair! The prongs of the Q-Redew glide through the hair with ease as the steam helps melt tangles away.

Below, Johanna of endlessbeautyxstyle shows us just how effective an oil pre-poo with added benefit of Q-Redew steam is!


Head over to our #NoMoreDamage Style Archive for more ways to use the Q-Redew and style inspiration!


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