Know Your Fro

Know Your Fro


There are so many hair types out there.  We find ourselves trying to label the DNA of our hair... 3B, 4C, 2A, kinky, coily, etc. The list goes on and on. Sometimes we don't even fit within the bombardment of labels. It seems the only real letters that resonate with our hair types are SOS!

The Q-Redew team often hears comments like, "She has great curls, they are soft and bouncy... of course the Q-Redew works for her! The Q-Redew won't work on my kinky, coily fro." 

We want to blow this myth out of the water. The Q-Redew will work for you regardless of your hair type. Our steamer bridges the hair types together. The Q-Redew works on all textures of hair.  We get asked, "How is that possible?"  The secret is steam. Regardless of texture and style, steam hydrates and detangles all hair types.  Steam helps style and manage all hair types.  The Q-Redew has evened the playing field and doesn't have favorites.  It won't make you too dry, too greasy or unmanageable.

Heidi, founder of Q-Redew, didn't want to invent another something that would be thrown out or weigh you down. That's when the concept of steam came into being. Steam has been used for thousands of years.  It is used to open pores and cleanse the body.  Steam is a component of hot yoga, facials and used to clean naturally.  Heidi thought... why not use steam to naturally hydrate and rejuvenate my curls. Guess what ladies, it worked!

Regardless of your "label," the Q-Redew loves all of you!


  • Kinky (Soft)
  • Tightly coiled
  • Has a more defined curly pattern


  • Kinky (Wiry)
  • Tightly coiled
  • Less defined curly pattern
  • Has more of a "Z"-shaped pattern


  • Kinky (Wiry)
  • Tightly coiled
  • Almost no defined curl pattern
  • Has more of a "Z"-shaped pattern


  • Curly (Loose Curls)
  • Thick & full with lots of body
  • Definite "S" pattern
  • Hair tends to be frizzy
  • Can have a combination texture.


  • Curly (Tight Curls)
  • Medium amount of curl
  • Can have a combined texture


  • Curly (Corkscrews)
  • Tight curls in corkscrews
  • The curls can be either kinky, or very tightly curled, with lots of strands densely packed together


  • Wavy (Fine)
  • Can accomplish various styles
  • Definite "S" pattern
  • Hair sticks close to the head


  • Wavy (Medium)
  • A bit resistant to styling
  • Hair tends to be frizzy


  • Wavy (Coarse)
  • Hair has thicker waves
  • Resistant to styling
  • Hair tends to be frizzy

Over the next few weeks, we will be showcasing on our social media each hair type. These are real, every day ladies, with different styles of hair.  We want you to know regardless of your label, your hair type is BEAUTIFUL!

Thank Q for stopping by!

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